Mid-Russian Field Day and Siberian Field Day “Barley, Malt, Hops and Beer in Russia” (2016-06-03)

We are glad to inform you that Barley, Malt, Hops and Beer Union together with the General partner BASF and the General sponsor of agricultural equipment – CNH Industrial are organizers of significant agricultural business events in summer 2016.

en-den-kurskVI Mid-Russian Field Day “Barley, Malt, Hops and Beer in Russia” will take place in July 1, 2016 in the Kursk Region at the territory of the farm LLC “Lutch” within V Mid-Russian Economic Forum and Mid-Russian Grain Forum.

It bears noting that IV Mid-Russian Field Day “Barley, Malt, Hops and Beer in Russia” has been successfully run with support of the Governor of the region A.N. Mikhailov with participation of more than 500 agricultural companies of the RF, neighboring countries and beyond in the Kursk Region in 2013.

Venue of the Mid-Russian Grain Forum:  (8:30-11:00): Recreation center, the Kursk Region, Manturovsky district, Manturovo settlement, Mayakovskogo str., 1a

Venue of the Field Day (11:30-18:00): LLC “Lutch”, the Kursk Region, Manturovsky district, Ostanino village (roadmap).      

Registration form

en-den-tymen-2016VI Siberian Field Day “Barley, Malt, Hops and Beer Union” will take place in July 22, 2016 in the Tyumen Region at the territory of the demo center of “BASF” – LLC “Russian field” within Siberian Grain Forum.

Siberian Grain Forum and Field Day “Barley, Malt, Hops and Beer in Russia” are the most significant agricultural events for many a year.

Venue: LLC “Russian field”, the Tyumen Region, Isetsky d., Novikovo village (road map).  




Registration form

Over 500 companies from participating countries of the Eurasian Economic Union and Shanghai Cooperation Organization will take part in the mentioned business events.

By tradition, the best representatives of the agricultural complex of the RF and production chain “malting barley – beer” will be awarded the Notes of Acknowledgement of the Ministry of Agriculture of the RF (refer to http://barley-malt.ru/?cat=153).

According to the program, it is planned to run Mid-Russian and Siberian Grain Forums, viewing of demonstrational plots with officially tested malting barley varieties as well as varieties included in the project “Beijing Program”.  CNH Industrial will show NewHolland machines and new agricultural equipment 2016!   


 General partner

 basf logo

 General sponsor

New Holland png

 Gold sponsor


 Silver sponsors

Buhler_png logo-soufflet  Агролига 

 Bronze sponsors

Росси petkus          


 Informational partners

 Полноэкранная запись 24.09.2013 110041.bmp Пищевая промышленность прозр  АПКэксперт Зерновой эксперт (120х120) 

Information about Field Day 2008-2015

Information about Mid-Russian Economic Forum


All interested are welcome!

Participation is FREE!

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