Visiting statistics of our website in 2016 – 500.000 of views (2017-01-09)

Visiting statistics of the website is a necessary instrument for estimation of the efficiency of the site performance and audience grade, two key factors of the successful internet-resource. Visiting statistics is collected according to the Yandex.Metrics. Data mentioned below is collected via the fixed Metric calculator is read only and not edited. Metrics is operated according to the traditional online-calculator principle: a code set in your website, registering every visit and collecting its data.

Over 100.000 of unique visitors of our web-site are uniquely positioned and get in the site during a certain time period, most of all – a calendar day. Unique characteristics of a user – data set, distinguishing one user from another: IP-address, browser, registration data. If a user revisits a site, he is not unique and his revisitation is considered to be page views. It is great. Besides, 100.000 visitors browsed our site for 180.000 times, having viewed over 480.000 pages.  


Website of our Union is also popular abroad. Moreover, the Russian share of the total visitors is 77.000, Ukraine 4.400, Germany 3.000, the Republic of Belarus and the USA is 2.500 visitors correspondingly. There is no any country in the world and visitors who have not visited our site in 2016. Among visitors are representatives form exotic countries like Iraq, Sri-Lanka, Uruguay, Pakistan, Peru.   


Among Russian visitors, leaders are Moscow and Saint-Petersburg – over 22.000 and 6.000 unique visitors correspondingly.



The website of the Union is popular firstly in the Voronezh Region, the Krasnodar Territory and Altai Krai.


64.000 of unique visitors got in the site through search engines. Expected leaders of search engines were Google, Yandex and


What were unique visitors of our site interested in? Following at the home page, the English version of the site is popular. It bears noting that a page with information about the President of the Union A. Mordovin is interesting for visitors over the years: 2.500 unique visitors – over 7.000 times.


Visitors paid much attention to contact information, analytical articles devoted to “Malt in beer – what for?”, “Malting barley varieties”, “Field Day of Barley, Malt, Hops and Beer in Russia”, etc.  Leaders among search queries were:


In early November 2016, we launched a new site, devoted to the Russian brewing competition “ROSGLAVPIVO” – the Best Russian Beer 800 unique visitors browsed 7.000 pages that is equal to the visit depth of 9 pages.  


Dear colleagues, friends and members of the Union, we always glad to observe you in our website pages and and in our business events Grain Forums and Field Days and also your participation in our competitions “The best malting barley producer in Russia” and “The best producer of the Russian beer – ROSGLAVPIVO”.


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