Awarding of the best representatives of the beer product sub-complex of the Russian Agricultural Sector. (2014-04-21)

In May and July 2014 Barley, Malt, Hops & Beer Union will solicit the government authorities (The Ministry of Agriculture, The State Duma Committee on Agrarian Issues, the Federation Council Committee on Agrarian and Food Policy and Environmental Management) for awarding of the best representatives of the production chain “malting barley – beer” and beer product sub-complex of the Agro-industrial Sector within the key business events of our Union (Field Day and the Conference).

Over 100 best representatives of the industry have already been awarded the great departmental bestowals: Diplomas “The Best in Profession”, Certificates of Merit and Acknowledgment, the Title “Honorary Agricultural Worker”, the Medal for “Contribution to the Development of the Russian Agricultural Complex”.

You can find more detailed information here:

The first stage of the awarding procedure will be run during IV Field Day “Barley, Malt, Hops & Beer in Russia” at the end of July 2014 in the Omsk Region in the territory of the Siberian Scientific-Research Agricultural Institute.

The second stage of awarding will take place during VI International Conference “Barley, Malt, Hops & Beer in Russia” within All-Russian Agricultural Exhibition “Golden Autumn” from 9th to 12th of October 2014 in Moscow.

For identifying the best representatives of the industry, we ask members of our Union and companies – players in the sector to provide information on persons and enterprises, significantly contributed to the development of the Russian Agro-industrial Complex. You need to get in touch with the Press – Office of our Union and give all information about persons deserving awards according to the Bestowal Rules of the Russian Government.

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