Results of the competition “The best malting barley producer in Russia 2016” (2017-03-03)

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New barley varieties in the State Register for Selection Achievements (2017-03-03)

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BevialeMoscow 2017: all interested are welcome to the opening ceremony, ROSGLAVPIVO awarding and a Forum “Federal Law 171: beer, wine, strong alcohol” (2017-02-20)

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BevialeMoscow 2017 will start in 7 days! (2017-02-20)

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BevialeMoscow 2017 will start in 15 days! (2017-02-08)

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Marketer’s notes: beer was entered into YANDEX or what beer topics do users search in the internet? (2017-02-03)

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Production and retail beer sales, mixed beverages, cider, poire and mead in 2017 (2017-02-02)

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