“Beijing Program”: framework conditions for the possibility of barley deliveries to China (2016-07-12)

Dear colleagues, We inform you that the fifth meeting of the Russian-Chinese working group took place from 1st to 3d of July in St.Petersburg. The Russian delegation was led by the Deputy Director of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance Evgeny Nepoklonov, the Chinese delegation – by the Deputy Minister of the General […]

Alexander Mordovin’s interview to Agro-TV: Development of malting barley, malt and beer market (2016-07-11)

In June 8 2016 the President of Barley, Malt, Hops and Beer Union Alexander Mordovin took part in TV show “In details”. Topic: Development of malting barley market Malting barley growing season – nuances Will raw material be in demand? Do small breweries have opportunities for development?

Alexander Mordovin’s interview to “Agrarian News” (2016-07-10)

In the run up to VII Siberian Grain Forum and VI Siberian Field Day “Barley, Malt, Hops and Beer in Russia” that will take place in July 22, 2016 at the territory of the company LLC “Russkoye pole”, the Tyumen Region, Isetsky d., v. Novikovo, the President of Barley, Malt, Hops and Beer Union Alexander […]

Representatives of the Government welcome organizers, participants and visitors of Siberian Grain Forum and Field Day “Barley, Malt, Hops and Beer in Russia” (2016-07-08)

In April 11, 2016 the First Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the RF D.Kh. Khatuov informed the Governor of the Tyumen Region V.V. Yakushev about holding of VII Siberian Grain Forum and VI Siberian Field Day “Barley, Malt, Hops and Beer in Russia” at the territory of the Tyumen Region: To the Governor of the […]

Results of the press-conference of Beviale Moscow 2017 (2016-07-08)

In June 29 2016 there was a press conference of the exhibition company NürnbergMesse GmbH and official partners of the exhibition: Barley, Malt, Hops and Beer Union, Viticulturists and Winemakers’ Union, Grain producers’ Union, devoted to the presentation of  «BrauBeviale 2016» www.braubeviale.de and «BevialeMoscow 2017» www.beviale-moscow.com. The following persons asked questions: Hubert Demmler The CEO […]

Office of the Union in the Ministry of Agriculture/vacant positions in the central office of the Union (2016-07-08)

The Ministry of Agriculture of the RF supported a possibility of further location of the office of Barley, Malt, Hops and Beer Union in the main building of the Ministry of Agriculture on the basis of the lease agreement with further sub-lease (a letter of the State Secretary of the Deputy Minister V.V. Abramchenko No […]

I Mid-Russian Grain Forum and VI Field Day “Barley, Malt, Hops and Beer in Russia”: results, awarding and a photoreport. (2016-07-04)

  In July 1, 2016 Grain Producers’ Union and Barley, Malt, Hops and Beer Union held I Mid-Russian Grain Forum and VI Mid-Russian Field Day “Barley, Malt, Hops and Beer in Russia. Business events took place in the Culture Centre in the village Manturovo and LLC “Lutch” at the territory of Manturovsky district of the […]