The decision: to postpone the consideration of the question concerning beer advertising to autumn 2014. (2014-07-04)

By joint efforts of our Union, parties CPRF, LDPR, A Just Russia Party and also the Public Chamber of the RF directed to prevention of the return of beer advertising of transnational companies to Russian mass media and stadiums, we have got a victory. The Chairman of the State Duma Committee for Economic Policy, Innovations […]

Deputies of CPRF, A Just Russia Party and LDPR oppose the return of beer advertising. (2014-07-03)

According to the address of the President of the Union A. Mordovin to leaders of the State Duma factions about prevention of beer advertising in Russian mass media and stadiums, voting results in the first reading were deplorable for creators of the Bill who didn’t bargain for a solid agreement among other parties (CPRF, A […]

Oktoberfest 2014: all interested are welcome! There are only 3 free places. (2014-07-02)

Two groups of representatives of Barley, Malt, Hops & Beer Union – 35 and 25 persons led by the President of the Union A. Mordovin will make a trip to Germany from 22 to 26th of September and from 28th of September to 2d of October 2014.The following fascinating excursion program will be waiting for […]

Participation of the CEO of the Union A. Rubtsov in the Field Day of LLC “Baltika” (2014-06-27)

The Vice-President of LLC “Baltika” A. L. Kedrin responsible for cooperation with public authorities addressed to the Minister of Agriculture N. V. Fedorov with a request to take part in the meeting of representatives of the agricultural sector that will be held during the All-Russian Field Day in July 3 for discussing a set of […]

Beer production in January – May 2014: statistics by regions. (2014-06-26)

According to the data of the Federal Service of State Statistics, in May 2014 beer production in Russia was 83477,56 dL. and in January – May 2014 – 307477,45 dL. that is equivalent to 96,4% for the same period last year. More detailed statistics of beer production in January – May 2014 available by reference.

“Beijing Program” is in operation: The First Russian-Chinese Agricultural Forum (2014-06-23)

The President of Barley, Malt, Hops & Beer Union A. Mordovin, the President of the Union of Grain Producers P. Skurykhin and the CEO of JSC “United Grain Company” A. Gukasyan are going to take part in the First Russian-Chinese Agro Forum “The Current State and Prospects of the Russian-Chinese Cooperation in Agriculture” within the […]

The Film “Malting barley”: co-project of the Field Academy of CJSC “Bayer” and Barley, Malt, Hops & Beer Union (2014-06-20)

Please, find below a popular-science film “Malting barley”: co-project of the Field Academy of CJSC “Bayer” and Barley, Malt, Hops & Beer Union.