Russian beer export as of 02/2014 (2014-04-07)

According to the data of the Federal Customs Service as of 02/2014 the brewing products by HS codes were delivered to CIS and far-abroad countries in the amount of 6 043 582,19 USD in the volume of 9 385 277,08 litres:   Code Description Sum, USD Volume, l. 2203000100 malt beer in 10 l.- bottles or less 4 123 995, […]

Malting barley and malt import shall decline in 2014, so buy Russian products! (2014-04-07)

According to the data of the Federal Customs Service, the basic importer of malting barley in 2013 was “The Brewing Company “Baltika” – near 37 million USD. In 2013 the total sum was 90 million USD, in other words, the Russian agricultural complex missed approximately 3 billion rubles. Together with “Baltika” the major importers were […]

The Federal Service for Alcohol Market Regulation: the register for capacity utilization of the core process equipment and the procedure of its completing. (2014-04-04)

In order to implement the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation № 380 dd. 19.06.2006 “Concerning Accounting of Production and Circulation of Alcohol and Alcohol-Containing Products (except retail sales)”, the Federal Service for Alcohol Market Regulation drafted the regulatory legal act… Departmental Order “Concerning Approval of the Form of the Register for Capacity […]

Brewer’s Day or what secrets are kept by the Russian Brewers’ Union? (2014-04-03)

We got used to the idea that the companies of the production chain “malting barley – beer” has a professional holiday – Brewer’s Day celebrated in June 7 every year. But this holiday has been approved by the Russian Brewers’ Union in January 23, 2003 and is not legitimated. So, for many years, the whole […]

Minimum purchase price for grain in 2014. (2014-03-31)

The Russian Ministry of Agriculture drafted a departmental bill “Concerning determination of the overall minimum price level for grain in 2014 under the state purchasing interventions procedure in 2014-2015” according to the Rules for exercising state purchasing and commodity interventions in order to regulate agricultural, raw material and food market. So, the following overall minimum […]

New rules for importation of seeds to Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. (2014-03-31)

According to the agreement for the Eurasian Economic Commission from November 18, 2011 and Rules and Procedures of the Commission, approved by High Council Decision No1, on the basis of the article 8  of the Treaty on Unified Customs Tariff Regulation dd. 25.01.2008, the Treaty on the Functioning of the Customs Union in The Framework […]

Special offer from the producer of the agricultural equipment New Holland! (2014-03-27)

The member of our Union, the global producer of the agricultural equipment New Holland arranged a special offer for tractors T8. Only in spring you’ve got the opportunity to buy famous tractors T8.330 и T8.360 at exclusive prices. NEW HOLLAND T8.330 – for 6 000 000 rubles NEW HOLLAND T8.360 – for 6 600 000 […]