“Beijing Program”: results of the year 2013! (2014-01-27)

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New barley varieties in the State Register of Selection Achievements (2014-01-24)

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Russian Agricultural Bank will support brewers (2014-01-23)

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Exemplary cooperation! (2014-01-20)

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(Russian) Качество семян зерновых и зернобобовых культур в РФ на 15 января 2014 года (данные ФГБУ Россельхозцентр). (2014-01-20)

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Places and conditions for beer storage. The Federal Service for Alcohol Market Regulation will give an answer in the nearest time. (2014-01-14)

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The Sate Duma: a ban on PET containers – the green light has been given (2014-01-13)

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