The point has been put – PET: to execute it is impossible. To pardon. (2013-03-28)

According to the information received by the BMBU, RF First Deputy Prime Minister I. Shuvalov has put a full point in the “case” of the Technical Regulation on alcohol products. The question on the use of PET containers by bottling beer products is excluded from the provisions of the Technical Regulation on alcohol products and […]

Reply from the RF Presidential Directorate for Correspondence from Citizens and Organizations on the issue of the Beijing Program implementation (2013-03-28)

We are glad to inform you that the RF Presidential Directorate for Correspondence from Citizens and Organizations on the basis of documents and materials from the relevant ministries

PET: to execute it is impossible to pardon – RF First Deputy Prime Minister I. Shuvalov has to decide where to put a comma (2013-03-27)

In accordance with the approved by the Eurasian Economic Commission terms, the Technical Regulation on alcohol products must go through the intergovernmental agreement procedure (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan) before 31.03.2013.

New BMBU members – enterprises of the Russian brewing business (2013-03-27)

Six months have passed since the time when BMBU began to accept the company of the Russian brewing business to the Union. At the moment the following brewing companies are BMBU members: – OAO “Cheboksary brewery “Bouquet of Chuvashia” (OJSC) – OAO “Bryanskpivo” (OJSC) – OAO “Bulgarpivo” (OJSC) – OAO “Vyatich” (OJSC) – OAO “Stavropol […]

Argentina is becoming the main malting barley supplier in the world (2013-03-26)

Over the past three years Argentina has become one of the main malting barley suppliers in the world having put competitive pressure on traditional countries – Australia and Canada. During 2011-2012 crop years the external market was supplied with over 3.6 million tons of barley and the plan for 2012-2013 is to exceed the level […]

New BMBU member – ZAO AGROIMPEX (representative of OAO Belsolod) (2013-03-25)

Dear Colleagues! We are glad to inform you that the management of the company ZAO AGROIMPEX (CJSC), Moscow, which is the representative (exclusive dealer) of OAO Belsolod (OJSC), the Republic of Belarus, on the territory of the Russian Federation, has decided to join the Barley, Malt and Beer Union. In accordance with the tasks assigned […]

60 days to the XXII International Forum BEER-2013 in Sochi (2013-03-22)

It is 60 days to the beginning of the XXII International Forum BEER-2013 to be held from 22 to 25 May, 2013 in Sochi. The organizer of the Forum: ZAO SOUD – Sochi Exhibitions. The venue: hotel complex Zhemchuzhina. BMBU President A.N. Mordovin and BMBU General Director A.V. Rubtsov will take part in the forum. […]