(Russian) Статистика посещения веб-сайтов Союза за 2019 год – более 600 тысяч просмотров! (2020-01-12)

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New barley varieties included in the State Register of Selection Achievements in 2020 (2020-01-12)

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The Union’s website statistics for 2019 – over 600 thousand views! (2020-01-10)

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Registration for the “RUSSIAN BREWING INDUSTRY 2030 – FUTURE OUTLOOK” Forum is underway (2020-01-08)

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(Russian) Новости за неделю (2020-01-08)

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Address of the Union’s President Alexander Mordovin – the results of work in 2019 and plans for 2020 (2019-12-30)

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312 beers from 118 companies have been registered to ROSGLAVPIVO 2020. Registration will be closed in a week! (2019-12-25)

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