VSK today (2017-05-11)

The insurance company VSK is a universal company, providing services for individual and legal persons since 1992. The company ranks among Top 10 insurers in key segments – auto insurance, accident and illness insurance and voluntary medical insurance. Over 15 mln. of  Russian citizens and over 230 thousand of companies are protected by VSK. Regional […]

BevialeMoscow 2018: February 27 – March 1, 2018, Moscow, Crocus Expo (2017-05-11)

The next BevialeMoscow will take place in February 27 – March 1, 2018, Moscow, Crocus Expo (pavilion 3, hall 12). BevialeMoscow – an exhibition covering all beverage chain: raw material – technologies – logistics – marketing. The organizer of the exhibition is NuernbergMesse, supported by General partners of the exhibition: Barley, Malt, Hops and Beer […]

Retail beer sale in January–March 2017: statistics by regions (2017-05-02)

According to the data of the Federal Service of State Statistics, in January–March 2017 retail beer sale in Russia (with alcohol content from 0,5 to 8,6%) was 119.620,302 dL. More detailed statistics of retail beer sale in January – March 2017 is available by reference.

Beer production in January–March 2017: statistics by regions (2017-05-02)

According to the data of the Federal Service of State Statistics, in January–March 2017 beer production in Russia (with alcohol content from 0,5 to 8,6%) was 148.997,965 dL. More detailed statistics of beer production in January – March 2017 is available by reference.

Round Table “Legislative supporting of the quality improvement of Russian wine, beer and beverages” (2017-04-28)

In April 20, 2017 the Round Table “Legislative supporting of the quality improvement of  Russian wine, beer and beverages”, organized by partner Unions – Viticulturists and Wine Makers’ Union and Barley, Malt, Hops and Beer Union, took place in the Moscow State University of Food Production with participation of academic staff of the university, posgrads, […]

Partner Unions invite representatives of the industry to the Round Table (2017-04-17)

The Round Table devoted to “Legislative supporting of the quality improvement of the Russian wine, beer and beverages”, organized by partner Unions – Viticulturists and Wine Makers’ Union and Barley, Malt, Hops and Beer Union, will be held in the Moscow State Food University in April 20, 2017. The Round Table is organized within the […]

ROSGLAVPIVO – winners are known from Moscow up to border districts (2017-04-13)

Winners of the Russian brewing competition “ROSGLAVPIVO” – the Best Russian Beer, supported by the Ministry of Agriculture of the RF, note high marketing effect of the competition and its direct influence on sales of beer, having won in the competition. Regional executive authorities and mass media have got information from our Union concerning names […]