The Federal Service for Alcohol Market Regulation is planning to limit alcohol import to the territory of the RF – no more than 5 litre per capita. (2014-08-20)

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New members of the Union “Barley, Malt, Hops & Beer in Russia”. (2014-08-18)

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China, take barley from natives of Omsk! (2014-08-12)

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(Russian) Постановление Правительства РФ: декларирование производства пива и использование производственных мощностей. (2014-08-08)

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The Edict of the President of the RF V.V. Putin: impose veto on importation of agricultural products, raw materials and food. (2014-08-07)

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(Russian) ФС Росалкогольрегулирование: ограничение мест реализации пивоваренной продукции. (2014-08-06)

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Results: Siberian Grain Forum and IV Field Day “Barley, Malt, Hops & Beer in Russia”. (2014-07-29)

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