Licensing of beer production – revised Bill was introduced into the State Duma. (2014-03-03)

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Ban on PET – the Bill was introduced into the State Duma (2014-03-03)

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(Russian) Введение системы ЕГАИС для производства, оптовых поставок и импорта пива (2014-02-21)

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Regions – beer producers can lose 140 billion rub. with a transfer of beer excise taxes to the federal budget (2013-12-02)

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The Order of the Federal Service for Alcohol Market Regulation “Concerning Capacity Calculation Methods of Beer Equipment”: public discussions (2013-12-02)

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Federal Seed Farming Act – public discussion (2013-09-20)

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(Russian) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ ЗАКОН О внесении изменений в Федеральный закон «О семеноводстве» и некоторые другие законодательные акты Российской Федерации (проект) (2013-03-15)

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