Gifts from “IREKS” to winners of the beer category “Pilsner German style” (2022-02-07)

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ROSGLAVPIVO® 2022 is gaining momentum! (2022-02-01)

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New beer categories “Rosglavpivo® – the Best Beer of Russia 2022”: zhigulevskoye, perry, cider and kvass (2021-12-12)

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(Russian) Приглашаем к просмотру видеофильма – Лучшие моменты V заседания международного Экспертного жюри конкурса «РОСГЛАВПИВО® – Главное Пиво России», прошедшего 14 и 15 октября 2021 г.! (2021-12-10)

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Registration to the sixth contest “ROSGLAVPIVO® 2022” will start on December 1, 2021! (2021-12-01)

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Final record of the international Expert Jury “ROSGLAVPIVO®️-2021” – we congratulate winners! (2021-11-14)

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Counting commission completed the processing of “ROSGLAVPIVO®” tasting lists and decided winners 2021 (2021-10-30)

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