Counting Commission summarized the results of the competition “ROSGLAVPIVO” and decided the winners 2020 (2020-02-28)

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The meeting of the Expert Jury “ROSGLAVPIVO” – the Best Russian beer 2020”! (2020-02-13)

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IV Brewing competition “ROSGLAVPIVO” – the Best Russian Beer” will take place in Moscow (2020-02-03)

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Welcome letter of the Chairman of the Federation Council Committee for Agrarian and Food Policy and Environmental Management Mayorov A.P. to participants and organizers of the Forum “Russian Brewing Industry – 2030: future outlook” and competition “ROSGLAVPIVO” (2020-01-31)

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Welcome letter from the Head of the Federal Alcohol Market Regulatory Service Igor Alyoshin to participants and organizers of the “Russian Brewing Industry 2030 – Future Outlook” Forum and the “ROSGLAVPIVO” Competition (2020-01-24)

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15 days left to register for the “RUSSIAN BREWING INDUSTRY 2030 – FUTURE OUTLOOK” Forum, with 311 participants onboard! (2020-01-17)

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312 beers from 118 companies have been registered to ROSGLAVPIVO 2020. Registration will be closed in a week! (2019-12-25)

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