The Federal Service for Alcohol Market Regulation: the final version of the Order “Concerning Capacity Calculation Methods for the Brewing Plants”. (2014-03-19)

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The Order of the Ministry of Agriculture “Concerning Approval of Disposal and Shipment Procedure for Agricultural Crop Seeds” – amendments. (2014-03-17)

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Impact of beverage package on health (2014-03-14)

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(Russian) Поздравляем с 8-м марта! (2014-03-07)

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New members of the Union “Barley, Malt, Hops & Beer in Russia” (2014-03-07)

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Licensing of beer production – revised Bill was introduced into the State Duma. (2014-03-03)

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Ban on PET – the Bill was introduced into the State Duma (2014-03-03)

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