Russia: January–April beer output down 10.7% – Rosstat – Newsletter No. 22a (2013-05-31)

Production of vodka and other spirits in Russia dropped 23.3 percent in the first four months of 2013 year-on-year to 0.57 million hl, a report said. The Federal Statistics Service (or Rosstat) said in a report on May, 24 that beer production declined 10.7 percent compared to the same period last year, to 7.82 million […]

(Russian) Итоги «Пиво-Сочи 2013» – независимый пивоваренный бизнес России выбирает курс на объединение (2013-05-31)

Germany: Barley exports jump fivefold in March 2013 – Newsletter No. 21b (2013-05-28)

German wheat exports, the European Union’s second-biggest after those of France, rose 4.7 percent in March from a year earlier. Barley shipments jumped fivefold, Bloomberg reported on May, 22. Wheat deliveries advanced to 609,609 metric tons from 582,065 tons in March 2012, Germany’s statistics office reported on its website. The value of shipments climbed 30 […]

Press Release “BEER – 2013” (2013-05-26)

World: Malting barley situation looks a bit precarious – Newsletter No. 21a (2013-05-24)

The IGC forecasts a world barley production of 138 mln tons vs. 130 mln last year. It has, of course, not yet taken into account the possible problems in North America nor a threatening dryness in Eastern Europe and Australia, industry analysts said in a note earlier in May. Markets show a great discount for […]

USA: New research confirms consumers shift towards craft beer – Newslwtter No. 20b (2013-05-21)

According to Chicago-based research firm Mintel, consumers who were of legal drinking age in 2012 are the most likely to report increased consumption of beer (14 percent), which includes 7 percent of respondents who are drinking more craft beer in 2013 compared to 2012. In addition, discovery of new beers is popular with 93 percent […]

World: EU malt export forecast to increase this year – Newsletter No. 20a (2013-05-17)

The EU is forecast to export a total of 2.85 mln tonnes of barley malt in 2012/13, up from 2.804 mln tonnes last year (all numbers in grain equivalent), IGC said in its latest report. Larger EU malt shipments are confirmed by the better capacity usage of the malting industry, experts said. Canada will be […]