(Russian) «Нуль-локс» (null-lox) – сорта пивоваренного ячменя – волшебное будущее солодовенной и пивоваренной индустрии? (2013-03-04)

120 days to the III Field Day (2013-03-01)

It is 120 days to the beginning of our III Field Day of malting, kvass and beer brewing industry in Russia that will be held on 28 June 2013 in Oboyan, Kursk region, territory of ZAO Artel. We invite you to take part in the Field Day and sponsors to support the event. We kindly […]

Malting barley prices: prospects of 2013 (2013-02-28)

As we noted long ago the price for Russian malting barley, taking into account the specification (varietal purity, protein content, grain size), is in full compliance with the price for similar quality malting barley in Europe (http://barley-malt.ru/?p=1886). Having compared the supply base over the past five years (free port of departure Denmark or France, and […]

Malt production in Russia in 2006-2012 (2013-02-27)

According to the RF State Statistics Service, malt production in 2012 increased by 21% compared to 2011 and it amounted to 1.220,23 thousand tons. Detailed information can be found at BMBU website. Therefore for the first time in five years we witness positive dynamics of malt production. We would like to remind you that the […]

XXII International Forum BEER – 2013 (2013-02-25)

BEER-2013 International forum Beer, raw products and brewing equipment; equipment for raw material processing; methods of transportation of raw materials and beer. Small-scale brewing factories. Packing, tare and labels. Soft drinks: raw products, technologies and production equipment. International Beer & Soft Drinks Contest. Special exposition “Beer Furniture” – furniture equipment for beer restaurants, bars and […]

Awarding of the best representatives of the production chain “malting barley-beer” (2013-02-20)

Barley, Malt and Beer Union will apply to the State authorities of the Russian Federation to award the best and most worthy representatives of the production chain “malting barley – beer” with diplomas and letters of gratitude.

In 2012 malting barley import to Russia amounted to 500.000 tons – what should we expect in 2013? (2013-02-12)

According to the customs statistics malting barley imports to the Russian Federation for the year 2012 totaled about 500.000 tons. Detailed information can be found on the BMBU website: http://barley-malt.ru/?p=3690&lang=en. Argentina was predictably the leading supplier. For example, in May Argentina delivered 71.000 tons of barley to Russia. The geography of deliveries is surprising: there […]