Government hour at the Federation Council: Federal Alcohol Market Regulatory Service (2012-04-28)

Due to preparation of the “Government hour” at the Federation Council (April 27, 2012) on the topic “On measures for State regulation of alcohol and spirit product market in the Russian Federation”, the enlarged meeting of the special purpose Committee of the Federation Council – the Federation Council Committee on Agrarian and Food Policy and […]

Government Meeting on the issues of legislative and technical regulations of the production chain “malting barley – beer” 25.04.2012, RF Government House (2012-04-26)

On April 25, 2012 at the initiative of the Council of the Federation Committee for Agrarian and Food Policy and Environmental Management, the representatives of professional unions (the Barley and Malt Union and the Union of Russian Brewers) met with the representatives of the Executive Office of the Russian Federation, responsible for legislative and technical […]

XXI International Forum BEER-2012 in Sochi (2012-04-25)

From 16th to 19th of May 2012 the XXI International forum BEER-2012 will be held in Sochi. The organizer of the Forum: ZAO SOUD – Sochi Exhibitions. The venue: hotel complex Zhemchuzhina.

Round table discussion at the Federation Council office 19.04.2012: “Current State and Development Prospects of Brewing Industry of the Customs Union Countries” (2012-04-23)

The participants of the round table “Current State and Development Prospects of Brewing Industry of the Customs Union Countries” have discussed the current state of brewing industry in Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan and reviewed the drafting and potential consequences of the adoption of the Customs Union Technical regulation.

(Russian) Пивная – дай ответ, дальше сеять или нет?! (2012-04-20)

Round table discussion at the Federation Council office 19.04.2012: “Current State and Development Prospects of Brewing Industry of the Customs Union Countries” (2012-04-19)

Round table discussion at the Federation Council office 19.04.2012

BMU Seminar Meeting in the Republic of Tatarstan (2012-04-19)

On April 17, 2012 the BMU seminar meeting “Malting Barley Production in the Republic of Tatarstan: Volumes Increasing Prospects, Agrotechnics and Growing” took place at the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan in Kazan.