Recommendations of the Union were included to the RF Government Draft Resolution “On Long-term development strategy of the grain complex up to the year of 2035” (2019-07-25)

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We invite you to participate in the “Russian Beer Beauty 2020” contest (2019-07-19)

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We complete forming the delegation to “European brewing traditions”: Germany (Oktoberfest)+ Czechia (2019-07-15)

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All interested are welcome to participation in “ROSGLAVPIVO-2020”! (2019-07-15)

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CNH Industrial presented gas engine machinery and precision farming technology at Tatarstan Field Day 2019 (2019-07-12)

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Irina Zimmermann has led ROSGLAVPIVO Expert tasting stage! (2019-07-05)

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Alexander Mordovin took part in the meeting of the Agricultural Federation Council “Export opportunities of the agricultural complex of the RF: problems and development prospects” (2019-07-04)

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