Results of the assessment of malting barley varietal purity in the Test laboratory of Vavilov Institute of General Genetics (RAS) in 2012 (2013-01-23)

In January-November, 2012 the test laboratory of Vavilov Institute of General Genetics (RAS), accredited in the system of voluntary certification of “Rosselkhoztsentr”, received 456 samples of malting barley lots to assess varietal purity and to determine variety. 358 of them – to determine varietal purity (analysis of 100 individual grains), and 98 samples – to determine variety (analysis of 50 individual grains). Samples were received from 24 organizations – producers of malting barley and beer.

Samples for tests represented 36 varieties (Table 1). But samples of the following eight varieties were received more often: Xanadu, Scarlett, Marnie, Annabel, Grace, Beatrice, Josephine and Posada. The share of these varieties’ samples was 83.8%.

Table 1

Percent of samples (lots) of different varieties received for tests in 2012

No. Variety Share, % Variety Share, %
1 Authority 0,2 19 Margret 0,4
2 Annabel 8,4 20 Marnie 11,0
3 Arbalest 0,2 21 Messina 1,3
4 Astoria 0,7 22 Moskovsky 2 0,2
5 Acha 1,3 23 Omsky 90 2,6
6 Beatrice 7,2 24 Omsky 91 0,2
7 Belana 0,5 25 Omsky 95 0,2
8 Biom 0,2 26 Pasadena 0,5
9 Vakula 0,2 27 Posada 4,6
19 Gonar 0,2 28 Raushan 0,7
11 Grace 7,7 29 Sebastian 0,2
12 JB Flavour 0,2 30 Signal 0,9
13 Jennifer 1,3 31 Scarlett 14,0
14 Josephine 5,7 32 Philadelphia 1,3
15 Zazersky 85 0,2 33 Chelyabinsky 99 0,2
16 Quench 0,4 34 Chill 0,9
17 Xanadu 25,2 35 Explorer 0,5
18 Madlen 0,2 36 Elf 0,2


As the analysis of samples of 358 barley lots showed, 47.8% of the lots had varietal purity over 95%. Over 20% of the investigated parties had varietal purity less than 74% (range 2 – 74%%), and over 10% of lots did not comply with varieties declared in documents – they were, as a rule, mixtures of several, sometimes up to 12-15 varieties (Table 2).

Table 2

Percent of lots with different varietal purity (analysis of 100 individual grains) received for tests in 2012

Varietal purity, % 99-100 97-98 95-96 91-94 85-90 81-84 75-80 <74 not comply
Percent of lots, %(N=358) 31.6 11.7 4.5 7.5 5.6 3.6 3.9 20.7 10.9


Variety tests of 98 lots (analysis of 50 grains) showed that 31.6% of lots did not nearly comply with the varieties.

The total weight of the lots, which did not comply with the stated varieties, was 60652 tons. That is (based on the price 9000 RUB/t) 545 868 000 rubles. Information on weight of the lots, which did not comply with the stated varieties, is not complete, since lots’ weight was not always stated.


Information is provided by the Head of the Test Laboratory
of Vavilov Institute of General Genetics (RAS),
leading researcher of plant genetics lab., D.Biol.S.,
A.A. Pomortsev.

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