RF Government funds seed growing of foreign selection malting barley including purchase of seed material (2013-01-25)

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Representative of SAATZUCHT J. BREUN in RF (2013-01-25)

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(Russian) Всероссийское агрономическое совещание в МСХ (2013-01-24)

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New barley varieties in the State Register of Selection Achievements (2013-01-24)

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Results of the assessment of malting barley varietal purity in the Test laboratory of Vavilov Institute of General Genetics (RAS) in 2012 (2013-01-23)

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230 days to V Anniversary International Conference (2013-01-22)

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(Russian) Приветственное письмо Председателя Комитета ГД по аграрным вопросам Панкова Н.В. (2013-01-20)

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