Office of the Union in the Ministry of Agriculture/vacant positions in the central office of the Union (2016-07-08)

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I Mid-Russian Grain Forum and VI Field Day “Barley, Malt, Hops and Beer in Russia”: results, awarding and a photoreport. (2016-07-04)

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Alexander Mordovin took part in the Round Table “Decriminalization of the strong alcohol market” (2016-07-03)

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Retail sales of alcohol products and beer by regions for January-May 2016 (2016-07-02)

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(Russian) Представители органов власти приветствуют организаторов, участников и посетителей Среднерусского зернового форума и Дня поля «Ячмень, солод, хмель и пиво России» (2016-06-27)

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Agro holdings and the Government will discuss investment agricultural projects of the South of Russia at the international forum (2016-06-22)

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Secrets of growing of high quality malting barley. Administration of the Kursk Region welcomes participants of the Field Day “Barley, Malt, Hops and Beer in Russia” (2016-06-18)

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