Press-conference devoted to “BevialeMoscow 2017” and “ROSGLAVPIVO” took place in Moscow (2016-12-01)

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(Russian) Розничная продажа алкогольной продукции и пива по регионам РФ за январь-октябрь 2016 г. (2016-11-29)

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There are only 10 free places at BevialeMoscow 2017! (2016-11-24)

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Viticulture and winemaking issues have been discussed in the Federation Council (2016-11-23)

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Beer production in January–October 2016: statistics by regions (2016-11-23)

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A. Mordovin became a member of the Council for Agricultural and Environmental Management Issues. (2016-11-23)

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Explanation to the competition “ROSGLAVPIVO”: brewing package (2016-11-18)

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