Female Expert Jury of “ROSGLAVPIVO” (2017-09-25)

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First 90 beers have already been registered for the competition “Rosglavpivo-2018” (2017-09-25)

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Heads of Agricultural Departments of U.S., German, Czech and Austrian Embassies became members of the Expert Jury of “ROSGLAVPIVO” (2017-07-13)

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New sponsors of “ROSGLAVPIVO” (2017-07-11)

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ROSGLAVPIVO – winners are known from Moscow up to border districts (2017-04-13)

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Conference “Barley, Malt, Hops and Beer of Russia” is organized together with the meeting of Expert Jury “ROSGLAVPIVO” (2017-04-06)

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Increase in the membership of the Expert Jury of “ROSGLAVPIVO” – all interested are welcome to participation (2017-04-05)

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