(Russian) Письмо из Минсельхоза НСО № 364-03-01-09-23 от 25.03.2013 (2013-03-25)

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New BMBU member – ZAO AGROIMPEX (representative of OAO Belsolod) (2013-03-25)

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60 days to the XXII International Forum BEER-2013 in Sochi (2013-03-22)

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Delivery of malting barley seed material for III Field Day of malting, kvass and beer brewing industry of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan (2013-03-21)

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100 days to III Field Day (2013-03-20)

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The Law on seed growing is amended with regard to BMBU propositions (2013-03-19)

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(Russian) На смену ПЭТ(у) приходит полный ПЭТ(ец) – Медведева просят запретить ПЭТ-тару для всей пищевой продукции (2013-03-19)

ПЭТ тара под запретом

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