Web-site of the Union – a high traffic web-site among other industry sites. (2020-04-09)

What is a social organization and what mission does it carry out? Is it really public, popular and powerful? You can thump your chest, showing your importance like many other social organizations but there are objective factors confirming and disproving “impact factor”. A factor of impact on public opinion and representatives of the industry. There are cold hard statistic facts, being silent bystanders of popularity, status and social position.

We collected interesting statistic data concerning our site traffic and sometimes a detailed analysis dazed us. It bears noting that sources of statistics collection (in our case Yandex) are so advanced that it is impossible to exaggerate them.

100.000 of unique visitors of our web-site are uniquely positioned and get in the site during a certain time period, most of all – a calendar day. Unique characteristics of a user – data set, distinguishing one user from another: IP-address, browser, registration data. If a user revisits a site, he is not unique and his revisitation is considered to be page views. It is great. Besides, 100.000 visitors browsed our site for 300.000 times.

Moreover, the main visitors were representatives from Eurasia (96%), Russian share was 77%, Europe – 9%, CIS countries 8%, Asia and North America – 1,5%.    

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Central Federal District is a leader among Russian visitors – over 40.000 unique visitors.

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 The Union in the Central Black Earth Region is well-known in Voronezh, Lipetsk, Belgorod and Kursk regions.

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Among CIS countries, Ukraine is a leader – 4.000 visitors.

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Among European visitors Germany is ahead – 4.000 visitors. Then, colleagues from Netherlands (400), Denmark (240), Turkey (196), Belgium (104). The result from Great Britain is very surprising (1.300 visitors).

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As for USA, visitors from Columbia, Idaho, California and New-York are interested in our site.

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In South America, Brazil is a leader, we are also known in Africa, Nigeria, Ethiopia and Australia.

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42.000 of unique visitors got in the site through search engines.

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What are unique visitors of our site interested in? We didn’t expect that a page with information about the President of the Union A. Mordovin became a leader among page views – 7.000 visitors (home page and its English version are also ahead). Visitors paid much attention to analytical articles devoted to key industry problems like transnational and Russian independent brewing business, malt in beer, PET prohibition, licensing, USAIS and statistics information. Some visitors dig for malting companies’ contacts – firstly, Baltic Malt Company – 2.600 visitors.  

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Dear colleagues, we’ll continue to delight you with current information about companies of the production chain “malting barley-beer”, future legislative amendments and significant events of the industry.


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