Union goals:
- creating of comfort economic and political conditions for the development of Russian independent brewing companies making beer products according to classical brewing technologies: Bavarian Beer Purity Law 1516 prescribing to use natural raw material: brewers’ malt, hop, yeast and water;
- reduction of the market share of transnational companies in the RF and replacement of shortfall volumes with products of Russian independent brewing companies;
- improvement of Russian raw material base: production of malting barley, malt and hop, increasing of the export market share
Objectives of the Union’s activities:
- Participation in working-out of development programs on production of malting barley, hops, malt in the Russian Federation, competitive growth of domestic producers of malting barley, hops, malt, kvass and beer;
- Representation of the interests of the Union members by defining and implementing the measures state regulation on malting barley, hops, malt and beer production;
- Interaction with the federal legislative and executive bodies in terms of preparing legislative and standard acts, regulating the production, processing and marketing of malting barley, hops, malt, beer and non-alcoholic beverages;
- Assistance in development of integration relations between malting barley and malt producers and enterprises of beer and non-alcoholic beverage production, agricultural producers and other market participants.
- Activation of the efforts aimed to attract potential investors for development of the malting barley – beer production chain;
- Protection of the Union members’ interests in terms of lending and government support;
- Assistance in enabling social, legal, financial and economic policy in the field of production and marketing of malting barley, hops, malt, beer and non-alcoholic beverages;
- Creation of a unified information system for the Union members on conditions of the market of malting barley, hops, malt, beer and non-alcoholic beverages, on prices for malting barley, hops and malt, as well as on decisions of government bodies concerning farms producing malting barley, hops and malt, and organizations that produce kvass and beer;
- Organization of trainings, advanced trainings and retraining of specialists involved in the production of malting barley, hops, malt, beer and non-alcoholic beverages, holding of seminars, conferences, meetings and symposia with this view;
- Formation of orders, promotion and organization of financing of research and design works in the field of malting barley, hops, malt, kvass and beer production;
- Preparation of proposals for public policy in terms of export and import of malting barley, hops, malt and beer;
- Generalization and extension of scientific research materials and best practices regarding breeding and production of malting barley, hops, malt, kvass and beer production;
- Formation of effective industrial relations between the Union members;
- Provision of the Union members with information and publishing support, organization of fairs;
- Representation of the interests of the Union members in international and foreign organizations, including participation in international seminars, conferences, symposia and other events contributing to resolution of the tasks imposed on the Union.