Malting barley: import – yes, export – no? (2013-01-31)

In accordance with requests of foreign processing companies (malting and brewing production) from the EU countries on the possibility to procure Russian malting barley, we give the legal information below: regarding barley (including malting barley) produced on the territory of the Customs Union countries (Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan)

(Russian) Приобретайте семена пивоваренного ячменя только у официальных представителей (2013-01-30)

150 days to the III Field Day (2013-01-29)

It is 150 days to the beginning of our III Field Day of malting, kvass and beer brewing industry in Russia that will be held on 28 June 2013 in Oboyan, Kursk region, territory of ZAO Artel. We invite you to take part in the Field Day and sponsors to support the event. We kindly […]

Working trip to the Black Earth region (2013-01-28)

From 5 to 11 February 2013 the President of the Union A. Mordovin and General Director A. Rubtsov will make a working visit to Tula, Orel, Kursk, Belgorod, Lipetsk and Tambov region. The Union President and General Director are ready to negotiate and explain advantages (Membership Advantages) and opportunities of joining the BMBU, as well […]

RF Government funds seed growing of foreign selection malting barley including purchase of seed material (2013-01-25)

Beginning from 15 January 2013 in accordance with the Order No.16 of the Minister of Agriculture Fedorov N.V. “On measures for implementation of Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation from December 12, 2012 No. 1295”, subsidies are provided for foreign selection malting barley seeds to compensate the cost of purchase of elite seed […]

Representative of SAATZUCHT J. BREUN in RF (2013-01-25)

Representative of SAATZUCHT J. BREUN in the Russian Federation OOO Art-Agro sells high quality malting barley seeds of domestic and foreign production. Scarlett, Marnie, Sunshine, JB Flavour, Ronny. You can find detailed information here: Malting Barley Varieties Ragarding purchase, please, address: Rubtsov Alexey tel: +7(910) 977-82-62 e-mail:

(Russian) Всероссийское агрономическое совещание в МСХ (2013-01-24)