Office of the Union in the Ministry of Agriculture/vacant positions in the central office of the Union (2016-07-08)

The Ministry of Agriculture of the RF supported a possibility of further location of the office of Barley, Malt, Hops and Beer Union in the main building of the Ministry of Agriculture on the basis of the lease agreement with further sub-lease (a letter of the State Secretary of the Deputy Minister V.V. Abramchenko No ВА-15-25/4280 dd 15.04.2016).

табличка Союза в мсхLocation of the Union didn’t change – eights floor, office 821a. We can make you an entry permit to the building of the Ministry of Agriculture, offer a full support package: meeting with representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture, participation in special business events, use of our computer and copy machines, drinks by choice.    

We are glad to meet you, dear colleagues and partners!

We also inform you that now we have vacant public positions in the Union – the Deputy CEO for Administration and Regional Deputy CEO. Representatives of companies, members of the Union interested in the mentioned posts can send an application in a free form, addressed to the President of the Union Alexander Mordovin followed by a package of support documentations:  refer to.

Members of the Union will get an official document of the Ministry of Agriculture of the RF for entering into the building. This authorization document allows entering to the administrative buildings of the Ministry of Agriculture and subordinate federal and regional authorities.

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