Final panel of judges for “ROSGLAVPIVO”
The best representatives of the world expert community from the RF, the Republic of Belarus, Czechia, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Poland, Denmark, Holland and Italy will estimate beer quality characteristics within the competition “ROSGLAVPIVO”.
The Expert Jury includes representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture, the Federal Service for Alcohol Market Regulation and Belorussian State Food Company “Belgospishcheprom”. There are 30 members of the Expert Jury, 10 of them are Russian representatives.
The Expert Jury is led by the Deputy Ministry of Agriculture of the RF E.V. Gromyko. The Deputy Chairman of the Expert Jury will be approved within the first meeting in January 15, 2017. Four members of the Expert Jury are Professors and Doctors of Sciences:
A. B. Danilovtseva |
Russia |
P. Dostálek |
Czechia, Prague, the Department of Fermentation Chemistry and Bioengineering, the Institute of Chemical Technology |
G. A. Ermolaeva |
Russia, Moscow, the Moscow State University of Food Production |
S. V. Kraus |
Russia, Moscow, the Moscow Technological Food Institute |
Representatives from the Munich and Berlin Technical Universities and also Private Brauereien Deutschland also became the members of the Expert Jury.
You can find all members of the Expert Jury and their biographies for the brewing competition “ROSGLAVPIVO” – the Best Russian Beer here:
Barley, Malt, Hops and Beer Union continues accepting applications for participation from brewing companies of the RF, far and neighboring countries.
At present time, 106 application forms from 33 brewing companies, three of which are located outside the RF have been received.
All brewing companies are welcome for participation in “ROSGLAVPIVO”!!!
Winners are awarded a certificate “ROSGLAVPIVO” and a crystal cup due to medal places.
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