For more than 45 years, RICO has been successfully producing imaginative stand-alone machines and complete lines for the beverage industry.
RICO is your expert and reliable partner throughout the entire process chain from development and design to the end product completely installed and tested without interrupting operations. We are market leader in the field of swing stopper closers and chamber pasteurizers.
Swing stopper closers (BVH) with a closing rate of 99%
The first swing stopper closer machine capable of handling 4.000 bottles an hour went into operation after six months development and construction. We now make individual machines with a capacity from 1.000 bph up to 32.000 bph.
The new BVH is designed to wholly comply with all applicable hygiene rules. The machine table and the components are easily accessible and easy to be cleaned. The inclined base plate ensures that all fluids drain off and do not remain on the machine table. The very few wear parts can be replaced quickly in case of need. The closure material is preserved during the closing process and can be reused for a long time because of the continuous closing mechanism. The machine concept is designed for 3-shift operation.
New high pressure injection (HPI) since 2016
The interpolation of the HPI ensures a highly accurate and uniform foaming, so that underfilled bottles and bottles with too much oxygen (not foamed enough) are prevented as much as possible.
Chamber pasteurizers
Old pasteurising systems had to be bricked in permanently and were built without an air circulation system. In 1973 RICO built the first location-independent chamber pasteurizer of stainless steel with insulation and air circulation. We’re the market leader in this field with more than 250 installed units worldwide. Our newest generation of pasteurization-systems is high efficient and built after the newest energetic perceptions. Thanks to the optimal insulation, you reduce the energy costs and prove to be extremely economical due to the long-lasting construction.
Packaging machines with long-term bottle grippers (LZT)
From 1972 to today we’ve installed countless packaging machines of varying designs and all sizes.
The development of the mechanical bottle gripper LZT by RICO in 1988 was a milestone in bottle packaging and unpacking technology. Meanwhile millions of RICO grippers are used all over the world. They are available for all glass bottles from Ø 56 mm, all PET bottles and swing-top bottles. They are turned out of full plastic bars instead of injection molding. RICO grippers are very durable, robust, reliable and easy to change.
Combined-Module Machine (erect cartons, pack, close and glue)
RICO´s “ All in 1” machine for packing bottles into cartons with modern robot kinematics with high-performance servo motors.
Further competencies of RICO:
RICO became a member of Pütz Group in June 2012. The relocation into the new company building in Ellwangen, southern Germany, was in 2014.
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