Dear colleagues, friends and members of the Union!
On behalf of Barley, Malt, Hops and Beer Union and on my own behalf I wish you all the best wishes for the festive season – Happy New Year 2018 and Merry Christmas!
New Year coming provides an uplifting experience familiar since our childhood – we are waiting for it with happiness, hope and excitement. It is time for warm welcome with friends and family.
A passing year has been important and individual for each of us, with trials and victories. Every year gives us invaluable experience. We’d like to thank everyone for his support as your backing stimulates us for great achievements!
We, themselves, will create New Year 2018. We hope your wishes come true! Strong health, great successes, happiness and prosperity for you and your families! Happy New Year!
Let’s remember the key events 2017:
– January 16, 2017 The First Expert Jury Meeting of the Russian brewing competition “ROSGLAVPIVO” took place in the restaurant » G&M Brauhaus (Moscow, Novoslobodskaya st, h.16a) under the chairmanship of the Deputy Minister of Agriculture E.V. Gromyko with participation of 34 foreign experts;
– II International Beverage Trade Fair BevialeMoscow 2017 was held in the International Exhibition Center “Crocus Expo” from 28th of February to 2d of March 2017. 15 beers awarded “Gold”, 14 – “Silver” and 11 – “Bronze”;
– On 15th of March Alexander Mordovin, the Prime-Minister of Bavaria Horst Seehofer and the Deputy Prime-Minister of Bavaria, the Minister of Economic Affairs Ilse Aigner discussed issues, concerning Days of Bavarian economics in Moscow, joint business events and the development of beer-food sub-complex of the RF;
– On 20th of April 2017 the Round Table “Legislative supporting of the quality improvement of Russian wine, beer and beverages”, organized by partner Unions – Viticulturists and Wine Makers’ Union and Barley, Malt, Hops and Beer Union, took place in the Moscow State University of Food Production with participation of academic staff of the university, posgrads, master’s students and representatives of wine and beer-beverage industries of the RF and Eurasian Business Alliance;
– From 23d to 24th of May 2017, the President of the Union A Mordovin arrived in the Republic of Belarus on a working visit. Representatives of the Russian brewing industry – members of Barley, Malt, Hops and Beer Union and also their colleagues – Belarusian companies, participants of the production chain “malting barley – beer” took part in the business trip. There was a meeting of Alexander Mordovin and the Chairman of the group corporation “Belgospischeprom” Alexander Zabello and the Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food in Belarus Vladimir Grakun, responsible for plant production and farming issues;
– On May 29, 2017 there was a meeting of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary in the RF Vladimir Remek and the President of Barley, Malt, Hops and Beer Union Alexander Mordovin, with participation of the Deputy Minister of Agriculture in Czechia Mr. Aleš Kendík and Attaché for agrarian issues Nikola Hrušková;
– On June 23, 2017 the Head of the Lipetsk Administration Oleg Korolev opened II Mid-Russian Grain Forum and VII Field Day “Barley, Malt, Hop and Beer of Russia”. Official opening and a banquet have been held in the Conference hall of “Eurasia” (Lenina st., 11, Lipetsk), the field part – on the field of FSBI “All-Russian Research Institute for Rapeseed” and trial plots of LLC “Soufflet Agro Rus”. The President of Barley, Malt, Hops and Beer Union Alexander Mordovin read a welcome letter of the Chairman of the Committee for Agrarian Policy and Environmental Management of the Federation Council Mikhail Schetinin and made a presentation “World and Russian malting barley, malt, hop and beer markets”;
– In July 21, 2017 Scientific and Practical Conference “Intensive technologies of cultivation and harvesting of cereal and oil crops” took place in the Saratov Region, v. Bobrovka, Marksovsky district. Organizers of the Conference were Barley, Malt, Hops and Beer Union and Grain Producers’ Union. Scientific and Practical Conference “Intensive technologies of cultivation and harvesting of cereal and oil crops” took place in the Marksovsky districts, in the fields of JSC “Agrofirm “Volga” (a part of the holding “Solnechnye producty”). “It is a key event for us. This agrarian direction is rather young, next year this business event will be held for the fifth time”, noted Vladimir Ilyasov, the Development Director of the agrodivision “Solnechnye producty”. In his turn, the President of Barley, Malt, Hops and Beer Union underlined the fact that from year to year domestic agricultural producers, including the largest agro companies became members and partners of the Union, followed by increasing of joint cropland of members of the Union that was over 4 million ha.;
– On July 25, the Field Day “Intensive gardening, viticulture and hop production in Russia”, organized by Barley, Malt, Hops and Beer Union, Viticulture and Wine Makers’ Union and Association of Fruit, Berries and Plants Producers, took place in the village Bichevy, the Krasnodar Territory, LLC “KIS” – a part of the agroholding “Step”. This business event was supported by the Ministry of Agriculture of the RF and the Administration of the Krasnodar Krai, with participation of the Deputy Head of the Krasnodar Krai Andrey Korobka and the Head of Rosselkhoznadzor in Krasnodar and Adygeya Victor Timchenko and focused on import phase out in gardening, viticulture and hop production;
– On July 27, Privolzhsky Field Day “Barley, Malt, Hop and Beer of Russia” took place in Tsivilsky district. The Head of the Republic Mikhail Ignatyev took part in the plenary part of the event. “Present forum, organized by Barley, Malt, Hops and Beer Union with support of the Ministry of Agriculture, united many representatives of the agricultural complex of the RF”, noted Mikhail. A member of the Federation Council Vadim Nikolayev also welcomed participants of the Field Day, having read a welcome letter of Mikhail Schetinin, the Chairman of the Federation Council Committee for Agrarian and Food Policy and Environmental Management. A key topic for discussions was the development of hop production in Russia;
– Private testing party “Beer Get-together” for members, partners and friends of Barley, Malt, Hops and Beer Union, with participation of more than 100 persons took part within 19th agricultural exhibition “Golden Autumn” in the restaurant “Beer house” G&M Brauhaus (Mosocw, Novoslobodskaya st. 16a). Brewing sponsor of the event was LLC “Eletsky brewer” (Elets, the Lipetsk Region) – the only one Russian producer of “completed cycle”: malting barley, brewers’ malt, hop and own yeast strain= brewing products of classical brewing technologies in accordance with the German Beer Purity Law. Honorary guests of “Beer Get-together” were representatives of USA, German, Czech and Austrian Embassies, members of the relevant authorities and administrations of regions where Field Days of Barley, Malt, Hops and Beer Union took place in 2017: the Republic of Chuvashia, the Krasnodar Territory and the Lipetsk Region;
– President of the Union Alexander Mordovin visited Germany, Munich where the largest International Exhibition Drinktec took place from 11th to 15th of September 2017. This exhibition is held every 4 years in Munich from 1951. The Union was represented with a stand No 250, pavilion B2. Alexander Mordovin made a presentation within Innovation Flow Longe Russian Roulette: Reorientation of the Russian beer market – new chances for the global supplier industry. The President of the Union also became a participant of numerous thematic Round Tables, one of the most significant was worth mentioning How national brands become globally successful, with participation of Chan Jun Park (Asian Wine Trophy), Mario Mais (Sinalco), Rahul Narang (Narang Group), Prinz Luitpold (König Ludwig), Dr. Mathias Kloth (Osborne Clarke);
Plans of the Union for 2018:
– III International Beverage Trade Fair bevialeMoscow on 27th of February to 1st of March;
– Expert testing within the Second Russian brewing competition “ROSGLAVPIVO”= The Best Russian Beer on 12th of February;
– South-Russian, Privolzhsky, Mid-Russian and Siberian Grain Forums (dates are under hold);
– South-Russian, Privolzhsky, Mid-Russian and Siberian Field Days “Barley, malt, Hops and Beer of Russia” (dates are under hold);
– participation in the exhibition BrauBeviale, November 13 – 15;
– NEW Privolzhsky and Mid-Russian Beer Festival “ROSGLAVPIVO” (dates are under hold).
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